I help leaders in tech grow as fast as their companies do

Being in the high growth and ever-changing environment of the tech industry means you are called upon to adapt and grow at a rapid pace.

Things change so fast that your work 6-12 months ago barely resembles what you’re doing now and what lies ahead.

This is as exciting as it is challenging. Continuing to operate in the way that made you and your company highly successful up to this point will hold you and your company back from the next level of scale.

On top of all this, the stress and self-doubt that comes with your role can become overwhelming.

The good news is, you don’t have to do this alone.

I'm an expert at scaling companies and teams by working smarter. Working with me is a shortcut to becoming the most effective leader you can be as quickly as possible.

I partner with successful Founders, CEOs, CTOs, and VPs of Engineering / Product

At companies ranging from Series A to $20+ billion valuations

So they can capitalize on the opportunity ahead of them

To grow and evolve as leaders and

Become significantly more effective in their roles as their scope increases

About me

I’ve spent my entire career in startups. I led engineering teams at TrialPay and Yub, both of which were acquired. Later I spent 7 years at Airbnb where I scaled Airbnb’s infrastructure engineering team from 15 to 150 people and reduced website downtime by 10x, ran a company-wide initiative to reduce Airbnb’s customer support contact rate resulting in 5M fewer user issues and $53M in savings per year, and led Airbnb’s largest ever product and technical integration from an acquisition.

During my career I've influenced organizations of up to 6000 people from the CEO down through individual contributors, rapidly scaled teams during hypergrowth, redefined entire job functions, integrated teams from acquisitions, conducted layoffs, pulled teams out of firefighting mode into becoming strategic differentiators, and consistently created clarity from chaos.

What lights me up most is helping people overcome challenges, do things that didn’t seem possible, and live better lives.

One of my superpowers is bridging the often disjointed worlds of the rational and precise with humanness and relationships.

I invest over $75,000 in myself each year by being coached by some of the top coaches in the world and on continuing education.

I live in San Francisco with my wife and two dogs. I grew up in Denver, but I never liked to ski. The Pacific Ocean grounds me and I recently started surfing somewhat regularly. For the first 14 years of my life, I was a stutterer which made it difficult for me to communicate. I've since overcome that and now enjoy public speaking. I consistently seek out growth, engagement, connection, passion, and fun in my life and work.

What my clients say

  • "My journey with Kevin as my coach was intense and incredible. While working with Kevin, not only was I able to achieve my goals, I was able to discover my own best way of learning and overcome lifelong anxieties that were setting back my work life."

    — Amy Zaoshi Yuan, Co-founder and CTO, PROVEN Skincare

  • “Each session with Kevin generates insights that I am immediately able to put into practice with extraordinary results. For example, as a direct result of our very first session together I implemented a change that is saving my company $1.4 million annually.”

    — Chris D'Annunzio, Vice President, D'Annunzio & Sons, Inc. Engineers & Contractors

  • “What makes Kevin special and excellent is that he helps to cut through biases, emotions, and other distractions in order to understand business challenges and growth opportunities at their most fundamental levels.”

    — Noam Yaffe, Founder and CEO, RenewaFi

  • "Working with Kevin has unlocked enormous possibilities and growth for me that I had little idea was possible when I started. Kevin regularly guides me to confront and resolve the most challenging, sticky, important problems I face in my role as a CEO."

    — Joe Miler, Founder and CEO, Jaro Fleet Technologies

  • "I read a self-review I did before I worked with Kevin, and I couldn’t believe I had written it only 6 short months ago. I truly don’t believe I would be operating at anywhere near the level I currently am without Kevin.”

    — Lindsey DeFalco, VP of Product, Crossbeam

  • "The work I did with Kevin went deep into the ‘why’ behind my actions and how to get out of my own way to unlock unrealized potential. I feel much happier and more capable as a leader and highly recommend Kevin to anyone looking to do the work to get to next level of growth as a leader."

    — Nikhil Mathew, Co-founder and CTO, Mutiny

I work with leaders who gravitate towards making the highest impact possible and seek out challenging roles because that’s the only way they can be truly engaged with their work.

Working with me is NOT for you if:

❌ You’re primarily seeking generalized solutions that can be found in books, podcasts, and blogs

❌ You’re not ready to more deeply understand yourself

❌ You’re not willing to try new ways of thinking and operating, some of which may be uncomfortable at first

❌ You’re not ready to hear unfiltered feedback from your colleagues (though it’s totally ok if you’re a bit nervous about it)

❌ You’re not ready to make a significant commitment to your own growth

Working with me might be for you if some or all of these are true:

You get frustrated when things move slow and you want to evolve and grow as a leader as quickly as possible

✅ You feel like your brain moves faster than most people’s and you’re often two steps ahead of people in your thinking

Once you get good at something, it gets boring and you seek out new opportunities and challenges that really push you

✅ You have had advisors or coaches in the past whose guidance hasn’t been all that helpful

✅ When you are challenged, you find a way to rise to the occasion even when it’s difficult

Get in touch 📈

Send me a message if you’d like to have an exploratory call about how I can best help you, leaders on your team, or founders in your portfolio scale their companies and teams.